Benefits of WebJET MSG

WebJET MSG - Vyberte si server z ktorého budete posielať kampane

Choose the server from which you will send campaigns 

Unlike competing products, with WebJET MSG, you can choose whether to use your own server, our offered InterWay server, or a server from Amazon for sending emails. 

WebJET MSG - email, ktorý neskončí v spame

E-mail which will not end up in spam 

Thanks to gradual email delivery over time, your campaign won't end up in the recipient's spam folder. Gradual delivery fully respects domain limits, ensuring they are not exceeded, and domains therefore have no reason to classify your campaign as spam. 

WebJET MSG - rokmi overený slovenský emailingový systém

Slovak email system proven over the years 

The email system can be purchased separately or as part of other products from the WebJET family, which, in addition to streamlining newslettering, will help you with attendance and personnel management, document management, corporate training, and project management. 

WebJET MSG - rýchla implementácia emailingu

Quick email marketing implementation 

Years of experience open doors to a fast and seamless implementation of WebJET MSG into your company. After purchasing the product, you download it, install it, and activate it using the license key yourself, and then you can take advantage of every benefit of email marketing from InterWay to your advantage. 


WebJET MSG functions

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